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Week Two

Hey Guys,
So I had my field experience Thursday afternoon. Just like last week, we went through the schedule but there were a couple of changes because they had a special guest that came from the public library to read books for them. There were two kindergarten classes combined together. (I uploaded a picture for you guys to see). Usually, their special guest only comes once every two months. What she does, is she reads a book for the children to listen and get them involved in the activity.
As we go through the day, I notice that some of the kindergartens start to have behavior issues like ignoring the teacher’s instruction, being stubborn, and talking back. But the teachers did handle it in a professional way. One of the teachers even said that if they don’t listen to her, they would have to stay after school or they would not get a privilege to sit on a couch (they don’t like to sit on the table to read).
From what I noticed, teachers are very careful with what comes out from their mouth. It really takes time and effort to pull out a good word for them to use. Sometimes the children misunderstand the point and think something else. I remember we talked in a class that instead of saying “don’t run” you can say “please walk” and that makes a big difference, especially with kindergartens.
My partner and I also stayed for a while after school because we are asked to make pumpkin patches to decorate for her classroom for Halloween and we also did a little bit of painting (not a really good painter but I tried). I think I uploaded some pictures for that too. Overall, despite the miss-behave students, there were still some who listens and helps out.
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